
musicianship: understanding objective number one's power

Now, as I suggested in the last lesson, our objective number one when approaching any instrument should be warm, rich sound.

Why? For clarity of expression. When we use increase clarity in our expression we are expressing increased musicianship; increased expertise in using our instrument to communicate effectively.

We are understanding our purpose as percussionists is to make sounds to express specific things.

In the previous lesson, I discussed how using a harsher implement causes a harsher sound. But I also pointed out that the same primary objective is at work. This allows us more of a musical vocabulary. Or as it were, gives us more "words" to describe the felling we are trying to express.

Using a rubber mallet on a low octave D major of a marimba can portray all types of emotions. Fear...Scarcity....Sorrow...

Now, if instead we choose a soft felt mallet for the same note, the emotions being communicated are much different.

The idea is that alter aspect of your approach while keeping technique constant.

The constant that is always at work as the foundation of technique for every great percussionist has been and always will be, warm, rich sound.


So please, engage objective number one. Watch the performance video I linked in the lesson title. Watch their approach to their intruments and see that no matter what they are playing, they are achieving warm, rich sound....even with shakers...haha

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